Thursday, December 21, 2006


My reason for creating this blog is to provide thoughts, stories, anecdotes, cases, photos etc. on my change from a career in business to nursing. In October I applied to the UCSF MEPN (Masters Entry Program in Nursing) , and just this Tuesday I received an invitation in the mail from UCSF to interview for a spot in their program. My interview days are Jan 26 and 31, and I will probably know whether i'm accepted sometime in late February or early March.

Earlier this year, when i was doing research and soul searching on whether I really wanted to drop everything to pursue a career as a nurse practitioner, it was extremely helpful to read the blogs that current students and recent graduates had created--because they painted a realistic picture of what it's like to be in school, or in clinical settings as a new practitioner. As i was reading these blogs, i thought that if i get in to school it might be interesting to create one of my own, as my own personal multimedia archive and record of school, and also a resource for others considering going into this type of career. It also seems like a good way to share these experiences with my family and friends...since I imagine time will be at a serious premium, and i won't be able to tell everybody everything.

So, for now I get to have some fun in Colorado for Christmas with the family, and relax a bit before my interview and Human Physiology class starting in January.